Sunday, October 17, 2010

Friday Fun & 'Mix & Vics' Clubs

Is it worth getting up at to set out for The ‘Mutianyu’ Great Wall and ? Yes is my answer, although we nearly all slept on the coach there and back.
Two hours on the coach was comfortable enough. Then the 30 minutes hike up the stairs definitely tested the stamina of the group, I would opt for the cable car ride if our teachers didn’t insist on hiking it up. I had to give it to Thai class mate ‘Zhung Tian Qai’ was in his late sixties – he’s a cool chap (recognise him from his yellow sports jacket).

(From Left: Eden, Oskar, Mr Liu headmaster, Miss Xin teacher, Zhung Tian Qai, Me-Wai)

Mr Liu and Miss Xin our teachers was even more fun on the trip than in class. We had a good time chatting and practicing our Mandarin. Just remember never to follow behind Michael in my class (don’t get me wrong, he’s a nice guy) as his farting on the way up was lethal :-s
The evening of Friday was even more fun… I went over to Julies to watch ‘Hachiko’ A dog’s story. It was the most touching story for a long while. When Suzen told me she cried to Toy Story 3, I thought Okay this can’t be that sad then, but it was. Based on true story from Japan which I don’t want to give away too much and spoil it, but do watch it.

The night went on and we headed out to ‘Mix’ in Sanlitun for Julies friends birthday.
One quick sentence, it’s the worst place I’ve been to for a long while. 50rmb entrance fee and drinks at 50rmb each, mini dance floor and music that has been over mixed for a total Chinese crowd. I had to leave asap (after an hour and a half of torture)… Then we found out that ‘Vics’ nightclub opposite was the international club, where the rest of the usual suspects were. I refused to pay entrance fee and just walked through. Unfortunate for Julie, Suzen and Kevin they didn’t get let in for free :-(
So the night went on and improved… dancing on stage box and to decent music.
The others headed back to Solutions in Wudaokou where you’ll surely have a good time with a more relaxed atmosphere. Returning into my bed at … It was a good one.

(from left; Joanne from Canada, me-Wai, Julie, back is Suzen)
In 'Mix' trying to have a good time.

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