Sunday, October 17, 2010

Salsa Night @ Salsa Caribe

At last I have the photos from the Salsa Night out at Salsa Caribe... this was the good evening near to when I first arrived in Beijing at the end of September sometime.

Carlos and I @ Salsa Caribe

Eduado and I from Columbia @ Salsa Caribe (A great salsa dancer!)

Madalitso & I from Africa @ Salsa Caribe

Saturday - Some things...

Saturday started pretty much at for me. After going to bed at I didn’t plan to get up for breakfast. ‘Lush’ in WuDaoKou was a good start for a Saturday western omelette breakfast with a cup of tea Awe! Lush is like the other hang out joint in WDK open like 24 hours for the bar, tea and food.

On the way back to the hotel, I popped by BLCU the visit Kevin and not so hard, persuaded him to come to Klele-a’s apartment in Dongzhimen – central Beijing (40 mins away from blcu by subway). I ended up running late to meet the gang back at the hotel, so I decided to get a taxi as I didn’t have my bike today. Well, peak hour is not a good time to try and get a taxi. So, what did I do with only 10mins to get back to meet everyone? After walking 5 minutes to the end of  XueYang Road, I asked a lovely lady with her son if I could share a taxi with them. With a pitiful look and saying allow me to join you to the next junction. Of course they were shocked by my gesture and wondered why I can’t speak Chinese when I look Chinese. Again I found the Beijinger’s very kind, I offered to pay as well and she didn’t take my money.

(From left: Kevin, Elka from Germay, Daniel from Australia, An-Sophie from France/Cambodia, Andrew from New Zealand)
Arriving back at the hotel just in time to meet everyone, we headed out again in taxi’s to Dongzhimen for a group social at Klele-a’s apartment. Her pad? Well, Nice is the understatement and the price tag comes with it too. However, we had a great time listening to music and mucking about. We managed to fit 9 people on a bed for 2, the Chinese see how many they fit in one room and we tried the ultimate of how many can we fit on one bed. Fun times!
(Klele-a from Greece and her apartment in Dongzhimen)

The night frizzled out and the 8 of us had to desert Klele-a :-s with half of us going to WuDaoKou our local favourite again. This time we went to ‘Laowe’ (Chinese for Foreigners). It was the funniest ever game of table football leaving me laughing with stitches. Kevin just screamed playing defence and goalie with Julie playing ATTACK! Andrew was a pure frozen on goalie, ‘What happened there? Straight Goal!) Have to say, I was better at darts (but still pretty cr*p compared to Julie. I am suspecting Julie graduated in ‘Social Studies at the bars’ hmmm…).
On the whole Saturday was a great night In and Out. 

Friday Fun & 'Mix & Vics' Clubs

Is it worth getting up at to set out for The ‘Mutianyu’ Great Wall and ? Yes is my answer, although we nearly all slept on the coach there and back.
Two hours on the coach was comfortable enough. Then the 30 minutes hike up the stairs definitely tested the stamina of the group, I would opt for the cable car ride if our teachers didn’t insist on hiking it up. I had to give it to Thai class mate ‘Zhung Tian Qai’ was in his late sixties – he’s a cool chap (recognise him from his yellow sports jacket).

(From Left: Eden, Oskar, Mr Liu headmaster, Miss Xin teacher, Zhung Tian Qai, Me-Wai)

Mr Liu and Miss Xin our teachers was even more fun on the trip than in class. We had a good time chatting and practicing our Mandarin. Just remember never to follow behind Michael in my class (don’t get me wrong, he’s a nice guy) as his farting on the way up was lethal :-s
The evening of Friday was even more fun… I went over to Julies to watch ‘Hachiko’ A dog’s story. It was the most touching story for a long while. When Suzen told me she cried to Toy Story 3, I thought Okay this can’t be that sad then, but it was. Based on true story from Japan which I don’t want to give away too much and spoil it, but do watch it.

The night went on and we headed out to ‘Mix’ in Sanlitun for Julies friends birthday.
One quick sentence, it’s the worst place I’ve been to for a long while. 50rmb entrance fee and drinks at 50rmb each, mini dance floor and music that has been over mixed for a total Chinese crowd. I had to leave asap (after an hour and a half of torture)… Then we found out that ‘Vics’ nightclub opposite was the international club, where the rest of the usual suspects were. I refused to pay entrance fee and just walked through. Unfortunate for Julie, Suzen and Kevin they didn’t get let in for free :-(
So the night went on and improved… dancing on stage box and to decent music.
The others headed back to Solutions in Wudaokou where you’ll surely have a good time with a more relaxed atmosphere. Returning into my bed at … It was a good one.

(from left; Joanne from Canada, me-Wai, Julie, back is Suzen)
In 'Mix' trying to have a good time.

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Temple of Heaven & Beijing Taoist Temple

There is so much to see in Beijing and after being here for one month, I still have many things to see.
Temple of Heaven is a beautiful place to relax and enjoy a Chinese game with the locals. It has a similar feeling like Hou Hei Park in central of Beijing, all is beautiful and definitely worth the visits.

We (Ann-Sophie, Daniel and I) chilled out on the grass, just like at home in the parks. After which we were told by some class mates that is actually not allowed as it is hard to maintain the grass Ooops! Rose bushes, ponds just pure paradise in a city.


It was on another day in the beginning of October, when I went to the Taoist temple called 'Dongyue Temple' with the 'Beijing Folk Custom Museum' beside it. It was only until after, I was told that the statues in the temple are sacred and I should not have taken photos. I guess I should have known better as I am Chinese. However, I did do it with respect to show others around the world what the temple is like inside. Therefore, I assume the gods will forgive me for my ignorance.
   Erm... We could be lost? Conner on the right say "I think it's over there, not far now" and Richard is polite and follows. After an hour and a half of walking around the streets and my threaten of a taxi ride, we finally arrive.

Taoist Monk wondering the temple.

One of the many rooms in the temple, showing the scene of the gods.

A passage to where you want to go...

10 kuai night out + Yoga & Latin Dance @blcu

If there is such a thing as a night out with good dance scene, cheap drinks and a down to earth crowd then it’s got to be ‘Solutions’ on a Wednesday evening… with 10rmb (£1) entrance and all can drink open bar… wow! Yep girls! I’m afraid the boys have to pay a whopper 50rmb but still its open bar until . So Sanlitun is comparison is far to get to and more expensive. Then again Solutions in WuDaoKou is a student joint. Just get there before to get good supply of drinks if you actually want to get drunk as from 1130pm onwards it is jam packed. Did I just sound like promoter? Ha ha!

Apart from an unexpected night out… I actually signed up for 2 months at the gym in BLCU and straight into a yoga class… The instructor was teaching my favourite style of the yoga, a flow from one posture movement into another. She was beautiful to look at and her voice was gentle to listen to.
After some stretching and core strength training, I stayed on to join the Latin dancing… A hot Venezuelan guy…and...a great dance teacher. This class makes you SWEAT Sweat Sweat, jump about and move bits of the body that you didn't know you could.

Beijing is actually growing on me now, after the initial shock. Maybe because the air has cleared up a bit this week or maybe because I have improved on my Chinese and there is actually hope. BLCU to me is still the Designer brand language school calling themselves a university. However I guess you can say universities or schools in UK also charge over the moon for foreign student tuition fees as well.

The Dining on campus is damn good, many choices at Chinese price 8 kuai (80pence) buys me enough that I can't finish. But if you are Kevin or a growing lad then you'll need 14kuai (£1.40). I don't think Kevon's actually still growing though?
One of my tutors was actually real sweet asking me 'why did you not go to class this morning?' I simply said 'I was too tired and haven't slept well'. He said no problem health is the most important thing. Awe! Mornings has never been my thing even when I was doing my live in yoga training.
We have a trip to the 'Great Wall' tomorrow and I better get up for that so I shall go and prepare myself for the hike tomorrow...

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Eat Scorpions in WangFuJing & Live the Luxurious Life in Chaoyang

Yay! I managed to actually get up for class today, although 10 minutes late for class and felt totally s**t, I managed to survive the morning class with Ms Wang. She’s very nice but maybe too sweet to keep me awake. The until 12noon seemed better; maybe it’s just the teacher. Mr Liu is the headmaster and he is very enthusiastic with the class.

I actually managed to drop my wallet down the Chinese style toilet… Urgh!!!! It smelled bad and I had to take everything out to ash and dry! Aai! That’s what happens when you don’t have good nights sleep! Dazed and confused… Why I can’t sleep? Probably few factors but the main reason was a mosquito hovered by my ear all night. I woke up with a massive swollen top lip… it looked like liposuction gone wrong! What a great start to my day!

I did not give up having a good day, so I ventured into Sanlitun for lunch with Jaslin (my new Indian friend who met at BLCU campus. She was asking the way to a certain building and then we became friends very comfortably). I really wanted to have Indian food, so we went to Ganges in Sanlitun for a curry… Well, I’ve been her in the evening before and it was very nice. Lunch however was just okay, we shared a paneer curry, plain rice and paratha for about 80kuai. The paneer was fried and not fresh.

A little disappointed with the standard, Jaslin offered to make dinner at her home in Chao Yang District ‘home made Paneer’ yum yum! For those who may not know, Paneer Jaslin made was from scratch with milk and turned into cottage cheese texture, through a steaming process.

Jaslin’s husband named Hari is a nice guy. We had a good chat about India and my love for Indian food. He’s the first Indian man I know who speaks fluent Japanese and who can also read Chinese characters.

In case I forget to put this in; ‘WangFuJing’ is a place for great shopping and street food. Do you like to eat weird and wonderful creatures? Scorpions, starfish, silk worm?

Well here’s the night out a few nights ago with the Malaysian friends, they were brave or just pure mad!
Vig from London (originally parents are from Malaysia though)... Um Er not quite keen on the idea but after the peer pressure here goes... not too bad after all. 

Sunday, October 10, 2010

New Look & New Chinese Friend - Ms Wu Nan

After getting to bed at this morning after a Saturday night out at Salsa Caribe, I promised myself a lie in... until ... I tried to wake myself up with a good old cup of Lady Grey tea. Feeling dazed I went to meet Wu Nan a lovely Chinese student who is studying Economics and Japanese in a university near by my hotel. Wu Nan was super helpful to translate for me at the hairdresser last week. A new hair stylist and limited Chinese I thought was not a good combination, so  Wu Nan helped me get my NEW LOOK. People guess I'm from Korea now rather than assume I am from China. Ha ha!

We met for lunch at La Bamba in WuDaoKou, for the yet again amazing burritos. Her English is very good as well as her Japanese. She offered to help my English and is now my new language partner... yay!
We have similar values, like not smoking and eating vegetarian and seafood as our staple diet. She is also gentle and kind. This I found out from trying to get a taxi in the pouring rain after shopping at the supermarket. We sucked at getting a taxi against the locals! Eventually after 20 mins in the rain we got a grumpy taxi driver who wanted to go home instead of taking us. We stayed put in the taxi and Wu Nan said just stay calm and don't worry and he'll be okay. which in deed he was with a few moans and groans!

Now off to cook some food in my newly bought rice cooker… simple rice, veg and tofu tonight… yum!

Ooops, where has the time gone so fast? Ah, MSN-ing my Malaysian friend Carmen in UK – man ! We can talk! I still have a load of studying to do before bed time too! Wish me luck! Actually I think I'll just skip tomorrow morning as the lady teacher is a little boring for me. A little too nice and too quiet type. Yawn!!

Partying in Beijing - Sanlitun - Salsa Caribe

Saturday is one of those party days, where I would generally chill out during the day and prepare for a party night... Well bloody BLCU Beijing Language & Culture university manages to have a class from to on a Saturday....
Of course I didn't go! I don't care if I paid over the roof for it to start with... but no way are they getting me into class on a Saturday morning! There's something called a life to live. However, from this rebellious behaviour, I find out 2 hours of study a day (especially in a Chinese style taught class) is about right for me. Felt on top of the world arriving at for class... it also seemed to suit most of my class members as well, with only 4 people turning up to class at (there's always the random enthusiasts).

My A+ class mates you may want to know about are cool. We have 21 people on a good day but generally only 18 or so are present. The people? Well international; Koreans, Japanese, Italians, Spanish, Philippine, USA and UK. Some how I have made good friend with a sweet Philippine girl 'Eden' and a Spanish guy 'Oskar', a nice and caring guy.  We checked out the Summer Palace together... (Highly recommended place to visit over parks like BeHai Park which is smaller and too many tourists) check out the photos... which should be on blog once I figure out how to put them on.

Tonight the group (Kevin Mr Awesome – who’s makes an awesome Indian ascent… gave me stitches of laughter in the cab to Sanlitun, Vig another Malaysian but he’s from my hotel and not BLCU – yes I am surrounded by Malaysians atm, Vig is actually brought up in London so he’s not a true a Malay at heart, Daniel from Australia was more cool and hung out more until he got together with Anne-Sophie who’s half French and Cambodian. Both good friends and always up for a big hug but don’t see them much now since the falling in love part happened, Klale-a from Greece with a model height and figure – damn girl I’m jealous ;-) then there’s also the usual suspects Eden, Oskar, the Malaysians Suzen, Julie.

So, the night life in Sanlitun?
The happening place for an economical night or an expensive night...with the street bars and plenty of clubs to choose from. We ventured to 'Salsa Caribe' with 30rmb entry fee (personally I think not worth it unless you like Latin music too much) Drinks around 25rmb to 50rmb. Definitely the most expensive place I’ve been to so far in Beijing for a night out. If you want cheaper drinks then start off with the pub opposite for 100rmb goldfish bowl size Mojito’s, this will last and last for a group. The band in SC was too loud, they liked to string that electric guitar or what and sing lady GaGa songs (badly). This place is definitely not the England style salsa scene where people dance with each other politely. The partners or groups stick to themselves only and half the people can't salsa in there :-(  

There was an African guy who just would not leave me alone all night and insisted on doing it to me and having my number. No and Urgh! Was surely my reaction… opinion of the place went down hill. Slightly disappointed with the scene but the Latin music was nice to my ears. The original first group left, so as I gestured to leave at 2:30am another group of people I knew from the hotel arrived (Richard from UK – I like him, he’s a good dancer and he knows how to have a fun! So the night danced on RnB, Latino, Africano style – I started to feel tired, then by this time I have danced 5 hours! Wow! Let’s do it again somewhere else!

But please also let me mention, not to be put off SC - I did come here last week too with No entry fee, we were with a group of friends (Mexican Carlos, African Madalitso and others) who knew how to salsa so it was much more fun. The night was better without a band as well. So, I am yet to find another Latin club where most people can dance salsa! If you know one or two in Beijing, then let me know.

Friday, October 8, 2010

Eat Great Burritos and Play Pool in WuDaoKou

Just when I thought I've ate the cheapest food in WuDaoKou (with some quality) I found the best Western Cafe serving Mexican food and Burgers (with vegetarian option) place has Wifi, Pool table, Football table and groovy music to enjoy the afternoon to. The name of the place is called LaBamba, today was Friday specials 10rmb for a massive Burrito – delicious! Pint Ting Dao beer 5rmb or any juice. Think we were the loud six (Kevin, Julie, Soma, Oskar, myself Wai and Andrew. Suzanne and Adam had left swiftly after eating to check into a hotel in town) inside the place playing table football and pool. Met some other cool people too including Carlos from Mexico – nice guy with a sweet smile and warm hug!

So let’s introduce you to some of my new family (gang) in Beijing:
-Julie and Kevin are both Malaysians, who have just graduated from university in London. Good news is they are going to be working in London from April 2011, so we’ll continue to be friends there I hope.
-Oskar is a Spanish guy and in my class (A+ in BLCU standard –more on this subject later). First impression was strange boy who carries passport size pictures of female friends in a card holder. Maybe it’s a Spanish thing, yet to find out.
-Andrew is from New Zealand, an active guy who can’t sit still for long. Super swimmer with a lovely personality. Makes me want to visit NZ even more now.
-Suzanne a long time Malaysian friend of Julie’s who also graduated in London but in film studies, her boyfriend Adam is visiting atm, he’s also from my hometown in UK-small world.
-Sorry about Soma – Can’t remember if he’s Malaysian or Korean – but he’s damn good at playing pool when he focuses.

In the evening, I decided to be a nerd and stay in to study and do my homework. I felt lonely walking to the restaurant just outside the centre for dinner on my own. But then I bumped into Carlos again with his friends (Ooops will inform the names of lovely people next time). So the usual politeness around here, I joined them and we had a good chat over a small simple yet tasty dinner. Stir fried green beans and aubergine teamed with boiled rice. Carlos seems to have burnt the candles at both ends and looked pretty in bad shape… So I hope he gets well soon for the Saturday night partying which is tomorrow.

2 to 3 hours of home work per night - am I just slow or is everyone in A+ standard doing this too?
That’s it for today; I will endeavour to get up on time for class tomorrow!

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Wai in Beijing - The Student Activity Centre -WuDaoKuo

The sun shines nicely into my room located on the 6th floor and the view is nice looking over the buildings and into the Beijing distance :-)

The view from my room on the 6th floor (Bldg has NO lift and yes I am feeling fitter for walking those stairs every day for at least twice a day,)

  Entrance of Student Activity Centre
Reception lobby of The Student Activity Centre

Window fell off and wardrobe door didn't slide, no problem the staff come and put it back in order. Still kind of not working well but does the job of a wardrobe with no doors and windows with edges that allow draft in due to the rubber has come off. Apart fro that my room is pretty sweet and comfy compared to many others I've seen here and at the BLCU.

My bed which i re-arranged the twin beds.

80's Tv's are still alive and about here in China. I bought those two pictures to brighten up the walls a bit, 4rmb (40 p)each was a bargain.

My Shower room at Student Activity Centre. You have to clean it yourself unless you want a black mop with black water, dragged across your floor. I say invest in a mop for 15rmb and keep that 'please do not disturb' sign stuck on the door.

For 90rmb (£9) a night (2700rmb pm = £270 pm) is acceptable compared to BLCU, however if you are staying for more than 12 weeks like myself I suggest lodging a room which I found one for 200rmb per month in a luxury apartment block with private grounds. Why did I choose The Student Activity Centre you may ask? I am a socialable person and thought paying 700rmb more a month would be more fun and I would meet more new friends, which I have and has proven to be the right choice for me. Now that I have made new friends and settled in a bit, I woould like to move to a homestay or short term shared apartment if possible from Nov to Dec. I have heard friends paying only 1500rmb pm to 2300rmb pm for a standard room in a nice apartment in Wudaokuo area. However I quite like the idea of staying in Chaoyang Park area where all the western workers and better quality entertainment and social scene is... So wish me luck.

Wai in Beijing - Beiginning Class at BLCU

Beijing Language & Culture University in Chinese

Moving onto starting class at BLCU. I ask them for my books when I collected my results, but they said the books are given to us in class. So on the day class starts the teacher asks why we have not got our books. So we go to queue up to collect our books. With 6 people in my class without books, I asked for 6 sets of books but another worker asks us to get out of the room and queue properly from outside. Since class started at and it was already 830am, I actually told the woman worker who was shouting at the students (who by the way did not understand her as we were mostly new to the language) to be quiet and stop shouting and actually do some work to look for books as well. Then she actually did so and was more polite to me and the people. Well, I have found that China people really behave and respond totally different to the west to say the least. Being born in Hong Kong and brought up in England since 3 years of age with my Chinese family, I am in a culture shock!

Main Building No.1 - East Gate
This this where I had my placement test, a big building with many rooms insde. I did manage to sit in the wrong room. Even though it took me 20 mins being late to the correct room, I still finished the test faster than half the people who didn't go to the wrong room :-)
I was told class started at but damn them it starts at . But with the money paid before the official lesson announcement is a tough luck situation in China. I have also realised that I paid for 12 weeks course and I only get 11 weeks education due to the National holiday. When I phoned long distance call from UK to BLCU China back in July to check schedule and accommodation out. They did not say a 12 week course, really meant 11 weeks. I feel that BLCU has cheated me and I am yet to bother to complain to them. I spoke with my teacher and I asked him to help me explain to them as my Mandarin is not proficient enough to discuss this matter. He told me to ask for myself at the admin office as he is not paid much and he doesn't get involved with the finance. When the staff are proven so far to be extremely unhelpful - I wonder if there's any point in talking with them? Let’s see...

Autumn in blcu by the tennis courts... Relaxing!

Arrival in Beijing - Hostel & Accomodation

So, here's the beginning of a journey to enrich my soul.

Arriving at the Beijing airport, I gave the internet print out for my hostel to the taxi driver but he said he didn't know where it was. After loading and unloading a taxi 3 times eventually the yellow jacket staff waved at me to go to him and yes thank god he was helpful and spoke to a taxi driver to take me to where I needed to go.

Peking Uni International Hostel in Haidian WuDaoKuo is a great place to start the Beijing journey, with friendly staff and a socially atmosphere all round. The dorms were great with lockers to fit each person’s belongings. Price at 63rmb a night was acceptable but I know of cheaper places. However it's close to BLCU in order for me to base myself to find a better longer term place. Met a very nice Chinese Art student named Chow Ji Han who draws amazingly. We will meet again to draw my portrait, how nice hey J

And since the first two days. What do I think of Beijing so far?

Well, so far I have met some great people and new friends... Handsome foreign boys and pretty girls from all over the world... the odd character here and there, including myself as well as some local Chinese people.

I have found that the local Beijinger's are very helpful and friendly people. They have the time for you if you ask the way or for some help in a matter... but just NOT at (BLCU) Beijing Language and Culture University or The Foreign Student Activity Centre Reception. As long as you don't have any expectations from the staff at these two places, as service do not exist... then you'll be fine.

The next venture was locating a room at BLCU, with one week before registration I thought there must be a room on campus available. But hey ho, big time warning for anyone who may consider living on campus who is a short term student starting after 1st September. Take along a tough Mandarin speaking friend, otherwise have a plan B. The staff is unhelpful and rude, still not quite sure if that's the whole China attitude or just BLCU staff in general. All they said was “no rooms available” and then turned away to do other things.

So arriving in a foreign land not speaking the language, topped with unhelpful staff at the place you meant to study. I was speechless and damn worried, since then I have spoken to other students who had the same experience. One girl was luckier and happen to know someone living in dorm 17 and knew a room was empty next to them. So she got the room by taking a forceful Mandarin speaking friend. BTW the dorm rooms are small and there's a time limit on visitors, it's like a hospital with visiting hours of - Apart from dorm 17 which is the newest as well.

I have come to realise BLCU is an overpriced foreign student university for short term study, with extremely unhelpful staff. So I would suggest for anyone wanting to study Mandarin less than 6 months to go private tutoring. Or just come to the area and meet some students who'll point you the right direction to learn outside and find tutors easily. Then maybe do a course at BLCU later just for the sake of the certificate. I had to pay the whole 12 weeks in one go before starting the course and there's a no refund policy, so think carefully and do the research before joining BLCU. I have cut the story short with the BLCU experience so far, so if you want to know the in and outs of a real life student experience in BLCU then you are welcome to ask me.

I found a room at The Foreign Student Activity Centre and the rooms are spacious with the freedom like a hotel. Many BLCU and other University students stay here from around the world. BLCU is such a waste of time compared to here and I really ask how did BLCU get the so called good reputation? Unless BLCU has gone downhill since or they pay people for advertising as they are the most expensive in Beijing.
Class starts again tomorrow at , so watch this space for the news about booking a group trip and the BLCU on campus agents… Have fun and be cool.